Can I go to any provider?

You must choose a provider that is enrolled with Community Care. Please call us so that we can help you find a provider near you, or search our online Provider Directory.

How can I find out about the professional qualifications of my provider?

We tell you the name, address, and telephone number of each provider in our network. If you would like more information about the professional qualifications of our providers, please call the member services line listed for your county. A customer service representative will tell you the specialty and school attended of any of our providers. If the provider is a physician, you can also find out his or her residency and board certification status.

What is the difference between therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in psychology. Psychiatrists can prescribe medicine. Psychologists and therapists are professionals who have studied and specialize in psychology, but they are not medical doctors and cannot prescribe medicine.

Every time I call Community Care when I am upset, I talk to a “clinician” or a “care manager.” What does that mean? Who are they?

We have many health care professionals on our staff. A clinician is any health care professional who has the qualifications to help you with treatment. Care managers are licensed professionals with training in providing behavioral health treatment who can help you.

Can I see multiple health providers at the same time?

Yes, if it is not for the same services or on the same day. All the decisions for authorization of services are based on Medical Necessity Criteria. If there is a question, we will run the specific situation past our doctors. Only doctors may deny a service, and all denials are subject to appeal.