Come to a Meeting
Member and Family Advisory Meetings
What: Advisory Meetings for Adult Members-Family of adults who use services or for Parents of children up to age 18 who use services. Meetings are held in your community. We ask you to tell us how to improve.

When, Where: Meetings are held for about 2 hours two to four times a year in your area. Meetings are posted on your county page of our website. Members who register and attend the full meeting can get paid for their time.
What You Can Do: To come to an advisory meeting, visit http://ccbh.com. Click on For Members, then click Member Information at the top of the page. Go to the Upcoming Events box. Call the phone number to register for the meeting.
OR, Call Member Services at 1-800-553-7499. Give them your name, county, and phone number. Tell them you would like to attend an Adult Member-Family Advisory Meeting, or a Parent Advisory Meeting. Ask to talk to the Community Relations Coordinator for your county.
Member Advisory Board (MAB) and Family Advisory Board (FAB)
What: A Board with members or families from across the state. Board members help us plan, start, and review our projects. They suggest changes to help members and families get well, get support, and live their best lives. Board Members agree to join the Board for two years.
There are 2 Advisory Boards:
- Adult Members (age 18 and older)
- Families of Children and Youth (Family of Children up to age 18)
When, Where: Meetings are held four times a year. Board members get paid for coming to meetings. In-person meetings include meals and travel expenses.
What You Can Do: To join the Member or Family Advisory Boards, call Member Services at 1-800-553-7499. Ask to talk to the Member or Family Advisory Board. Give them your name, county, and phone number.
Health Equity Advisory Board (New! Starting in 2025)
What: A Board of providers, members, families, and other members of the community from across the state. The focus is on fair and equal access to health care for all members from different cultures and backgrounds. Board Members agree to join the Board for three years.
When, Where: Meetings are held online or in-person four times a year. Member and family Board Members get paid for coming to meetings. In-person meetings include meals and travel expenses.
What You Can Do: To join the Health Equity Advisory Board, call Member Services at 1-800-553-7499. Ask for the Health Equity Advisory Board. Tell them your name, county, and phone number so someone can contact you.