Join a Committee
Member Satisfaction Oversight Committee:
What: A meeting for members and families to help us with the Annual Member Satisfaction Survey. The committee reviews the survey questions, letters to members, and the survey results. We talk about ways to improve.
When, Where: Meets once or twice a year online or in-person in the Pittsburgh office.
What You Can Do: To join the Member Satisfaction Oversight Committee (MSOC), call Member Services at 1-800-553-7499 or email the Quality Department at qualitydept@ccbh.com. Ask for the MSOC. Tell them your name, county, and phone number so that someone from our Quality Department can contact you.
Quality and Care Management Committee (QCMC):
What: The QCMC reviews the quality of programs in each county and works toward ongoing improvement to member services. Members and families join providers, county and state staff, and others to assess, improve, and monitor services. Meetings involve reviewing and discussing data and reports.
When, Where: QCMC meets every three months in every contract or region. Some meetings are held in person, others are online.
What You Can Do: To join a QCMC in your area, call Member Services at 1-800-553-7499 or email the Quality Department at qualitydept@ccbh.com. Say you are interested in the QCMC. State your name, county, and phone number, so that someone from our Quality Department can contact you.
Board Quality Improvement Committee (BQIC):
What: This committee oversees all quality activities across the state to meet national quality standards. The BQIC evaluates Community Care’s performance, identifies barriers, and develops plans to improve outcomes for our members.
When, Where: BQIC meets every three months. Some meetings are held in person in Pittsburgh, others are online.
What You Can Do: To join the BQIC, call Member Services at 1-800-553-7499 or email the Quality Department at qualitydept@ccbh.com. Say you are interested in the BQIC. State your name, county, and phone number, so that someone from our Quality Department can contact you.
Complaints and Grievances Review Committees:
What: These committees meet when a member or family files a Grievance or a Level 2 Complaint. Members or families with similar experiences may be asked to join the review committee.
- Grievance – A meeting held when a member or family disagrees with a Community Care decision about care (denial, decrease in services, or different service offered). The Grievance Committee will listen, ask questions, and then decide whether the same or a different decision should be made.
- 2nd Level Complaint – A meeting to review the results of a complaint filed by member who is not satisfied with a provider or with Community Care. During the meeting, the Level 2 Complaint Committee will listen, ask questions, and then decide whether the same or a different decision should be made.
When, Where: The member or family chooses the date and time of the meeting. The meeting may be held online or in-person in a Community Care office.
What You Can Do: To be considered for a Complaint or Grievance Review Committee, call Member Services at 1-800-553-7499 or email the Quality Department at qualitydept@ccbh.com. Say you are interested in the C&G Review Committee. State your name, county, and phone number, so that someone from our Quality Department can contact you.