Provider Benchmarking

Every year, Community Care sends benchmarking reports to providers. The reports tell providers how they are doing in certain areas of providing care to members. A different area is reviewed each year: adult mental health, child/adolescent mental health, or substance use services. The reports show the individual provider rate, as well as the average scores for each of our counties. This lets providers see how well they are doing compared to other providers in their area.

The benchmarking reports look at different levels of care each year.

The reports inform providers about:

  • The average length members are in their care.
  • The number of members that have an outpatient appointment within seven and 30 days after getting out of the hospital.
  • The number of members that go back into the hospital within 30 days after getting out.
  • The number of members that use multiple services at the same time.

We send the benchmarking reports to providers once a year and meets with providers to discuss the results and to find ways to improve services. If you would like more information about Community Care provider benchmarking reports, please call us and ask for someone in the Quality Department.