Entries tagged with “treatment”
Alcoholics Anonymous
Find out how Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can help you with a drinking problem, and find a meeting near you.
Narcotics Anonymous
Learn more about Narcotics Anonymous (NA) for help with a substance use disorder, and find a meeting near you.
Start Your Recovery
Get support and learn more about substance use disorders and treatment.
The Family Voice
In this video, families share their thoughts and feelings about parenting a child with mental health issues, what could have helped, and advice for staff.
Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana can help treat symptoms of some medical conditions.
Medicine Can Help You Quit Tobacco
Learn more about medicine that can help you quit smoking or using tobacco.
Recovery Support Services
Recovery support services help you talk to someone who has experience with substance use disorder.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Suicide Prevention
Shared resources and stories to reach out to those affected by suicide, raise awareness, and connect individuals with suicidal ideation to treatment services.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Treatment
Biological and psychological treatments that can help address the underlying health issues that put people at risk for suicide.