Advance Directives
An Advance Directive allows you to make clear choices about your mental health treatment before you might need it.
Recovery/Crisis Plan
A Recovery/Crisis Plan helps you manage a mental illness, stay well, and prepare for a crisis. See "How to Make a Recovery Crisis Plan" for directions.
Peer Support Services
Peer support services provided by a certified peer specialist (CPS) for younger people is someone who has their own experience in recovery from mental health and co-occurring challenges.
Case Management/Service Coordination
Case management services, also called service coordination, help you connect with services and supports in the community.
How to Make a Recovery/Crisis Plan
Learn how to make a Recovery/Crisis Plan to help you manage your mental illness and stay well.
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) or Community Treatment Team (CTT)
Community Treatment Team's “team model” provides you treatment and helps you coordinate your care so that you can move toward recovery.
Diversion and Acute Stabilization
Diversion and Acute Stabilization (DAS) is a residential treatment setting where you can go temporarily if you are in a crisis or coming out of the hospital and still need 24-hour care.
Inpatient Services
Inpatient care is when you stay in the hospital for one or more nights so that you can get the treatment you need for your safety and health.
Outpatient Services
Outpatient services for mental health are services that you get in an office or clinic in the community, from a psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse, social worker, or other type of therapist.